• Welcome to the Moodle of the DANS training team. This Moodle contains courses that we have developed through our work with EU Consortia projects, Research Data Netherlands (RDNL) and in response to the training needs of the Dutch research community. We hope you will enjoy working through these courses. If you have any questions about the content or the reuse of materials, please contact us at training@dans.knaw.nl.

Available courses

Essentials 4 Data Support is een introductiecursus voor diegenen die onderzoekers (willen) ondersteunen bij het opslaan, beheren, archiveren en delen van hun onderzoeksdata.

Essentials 4 Data Support is een product van Research Data Netherlands.


Coaches: Fieke Schoots (Health-RI) & Jorik van Kemenade (SURF)

Essentials 4 Data Support is een introductiecursus voor diegenen die onderzoekers (willen) ondersteunen bij het opslaan, beheren, archiveren en delen van hun onderzoeksdata.

Essentials 4 Data Support is een product van Research Data Netherlands.

Coaches: Fieke Schoots (Health-RI) & Jorik van Kemenade (SURF)

Essentials 4 Data Support is een introductiecursus voor diegenen die onderzoekers (willen) ondersteunen bij het opslaan, beheren, archiveren en delen van hun onderzoeksdata.

Essentials 4 Data Support is een product van Research Data Netherlands.

Essentials 4 Data Support is an introductory course for those who (want to) support researchers in storing, managing, archiving, and sharing their research data. This Moodle course is specifically for participants in the Fall 2024 course offered in September through November 2024.  The Coaches for this session are Maithili Kalamkar-Stam (SURF) and Leila Iñigo (4TU.ResearchData).

A log-in is required for entry into this course. The public version of the E4DS material does not contain course assignments or space for group work.

Essentials 4 Data Support is a product of Research Data Netherlands (RDNL).

RDNL logo - research data netherlands

In this course you will learn about all the important concepts of the GDPR, get to know the aspects that are most important for researchers, and also find out about the measures to be taken for protecting personal data in research. In short, this training will help research support staff to support data researchers.

Essentials 4 Data Support is an introductory course for those who (want to) support researchers in storing, managing, archiving, and sharing their research data. This Moodle course is specifically for participants in the Fall 2024 course offered in February through March 2025.  The Coaches for this session are Kim Ferguson (DANS) and Alice Stuart-Lee (SURF).

A log-in is required for entry into this course. The public version of the E4DS material does not contain course assignments or space for group work.

Essentials 4 Data Support is a product of Research Data Netherlands (RDNL).

This course is designed to provide EHRI researchers and archivists with an introduction to research data management, data management plans, FAIR data and Open Research. The content is an overview of these topics, and includes discussion on how it applies to Holocaust research.

EHRI is funded by the European Union

Essentials 4 Data Support is an introductory course for those people who (want to) support researchers in storing, managing, archiving and sharing their research data. This Moodle course is specifically for participants in the Winter 2024 course offered in January thru March 2024.  The Coaches for this session are Kim Ferguson (DANS) and Ander Astudillo (SURF).

A log-in is required for entry into this course - the public version of E4DS material does not contain course assignments or space for group work.

Essentials 4 Data Support is a product of Research Data Netherlands.

Essentials 4 Data Support is an introductory course for those people who (want to) support researchers in storing, managing, archiving and sharing their research data.

Essentials 4 Data Support is a product of Research Data Netherlands.

RDNL logo

RDNL logo - research data netherlands

In this course you will learn about all the important concepts of the GDPR, get to know the aspects that are most important for researchers, and also find out about the measures to be taken for protecting personal data in research. In short, this training will help research support staff to support data researchers.