Section outline

  • In this chapter we briefly outline the history of an area of research support that has become indispensable: research data management support. We show how data management is a means to shape integrity and reproducibility of scientific research. Finally, we highlight a number of concepts - such as the research lifecycle, open science and FAIR data - and we consider the various types of data supporters around.

    Learning goals

    After this chapter:

    • You will be able to indicate what information is considered research data;
    • You will be able to explain that the meaning of this research data varies per target group and per phase of the research lifecycle;
    • You will understand how open science, data management and FAIR data shape the integrity and reproducibility of scientific research;
    • You will have a global overview of the various types of data supporters;
    • You will have a broad overview of  a number of information sources that can further help you to get up-to-date in data management support.